My Story
My family story wasn’t plain sailing like many in today’s society. I never felt like I fitted in. I struggled educationally, my reports all read the same – ‘could do better’, ‘lacks concentration’. It wasn’t an intellectual problem..I had boundless energy, always on the go ,was impulsive, creative and extremely sensitive .. – Ring any bells ?!
School gave up…
Parents gave up…
I was placed in the care system.
Into foster care…
Left care at 16.
Vulnerable teenager…
Groomed and pregnant at 17.
Diagnosed at 50 with ADHD.
Through my life experiences and search for answers I have gone on to use my experiences in a positive ways, working for Social Services with severe abuse and neglect service users and with the Youth Outreach Teams.
I have spent many years researching holistic and complimentary therapies to help myself and my family., becoming a trained holistic therapist and yoga teacher specialising in yoga for recovering addicts, both privately and at Barod, and young people and families with ADHD and ADD.
I watched my son struggle from the age of 3, social anxiety, too much for peers which threw him into befriending ‘the wrong crowd’ extremely vulnerable.
In his teens he started with alcohol – giving him false bravado. He was so sensitive to it that after 2-3 drinks he would be incapable – picked up by police – that’s where his police record began. And years of addiction and crime followed…
After misdiagnosis and wrong medication he, finally, in his thirties attended rehab.
He has ADHD….
My eldest daughter suffered with anxiety and depression – undiagnosed ADD. Her three children all have an ADHD diagnosis.
My daughter tragically took her own life in 2014. I now raise my grandchildren watching my eldest grandchild going through the same isolation, bullying and lack of friendship as my son. I decided enough was enough and setup CAP in May 2021.
Calon ADHD Project shares the same initials as my daughter, my grandchildren’s mother – Cassie Ann Parry.
Calon ADHD Project is a legacy for her, for her children, for her brother and for as many children and families as we can reach to help prevent isolation, depression and low self esteem, drug/alcohol misuse, and suicide.
After all our trauma, trials and tribulation, I’d like to stress to anyone who is on the pathway or who has a diagnosis to NEVER give up – to realize that you are AMAZING – with so many gifts, creative ideas and potential for great things. We, at Calon ADHD Project, can help guide you into realising your dreams and ambitions, and help support you along your journey.
Our aim is to support, nurture and educate young people on the pathway or with a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD and their families through therapies, activities, training and workshops, raising self awareness, confidence and self esteem helping to channel their energy into positives. Connecting to like minded peers, making friendships, and boosting morale. We are sensitive visionaries , ideas people, creative entrepreneurs!
CAP CREW-Saders!